
Entity Definition

Logical Name : LocationCoordinate
Physical Name : LO_CRDN

Outrigger entity to temporarily represent location coordinates. Location is a named area within a Site or within a Location. Location Coordinate defines the insertion point of a location within a site or location's local coordinate system. It provides a way to position the origin of a location (which is the back left corner of a location). This is a tenative representatived of LocationCoordinate intended to bring the ODM into alignment with XSD.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
LocationID (FK)(PK) A unique system assigned identifier for the Location. ID_LCN Identity integer Location(LO_LCN)
AngleOffsetDegrees The degree offset representing the angular orientation of a LOCATION's ORGIN with respect to the Location. The degrees are measured in a COUNTER CLOCKWISE direction from back left corner which is assumed to be 0 degrees. In most scenarios the location will be viewed on a XYZ axsis that represents a local cartesian space. This offset documents the angular difference from the location's orientation from its paraent orientation. Used as a basis for transforming coordinate systems between a parent site and the locations it contains OR between a parent location and its childred. QU_ANGL_OFS_DEG LineNumber smallint
InsertionPointX-coordinateValue The X coordinate for the location insertion point within a Site or parent location. Places the left back corner of a location. From this point the vertex points are measured to define the shape of the location relative to 0,0,0 local coordinate system (i.e. local to the location). QU_INSRTN_PNT_X_CRDN_VL Identity integer
InsertionPointY-coordinateValue The Y coordinate for the location insertion point within a Site or parent location. Places the left back corner of a location. From this point the vertex points are measured to define the shape of the location relative to 0,0,0 local coordinate system (i.e. local to the location). QU_INSRTN_PNT_Y_CRDN_VL Identity integer
InsertionPointZ-coordinateValue The Z coordinate for the location insertion point within a Site or parent location. Places the left back corner of a location. From this point the vertex points are measured to define the shape of the location relative to 0,0,0 local coordinate system (i.e. local to the location). QU_INSRTN_PNT_Z_CRDN_VL Identity integer


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
Location is positioned using LocationCoordinate
LocationCoordinate shape determined by LocationVertex

Logical Views containing LocationCoordinate

Logical View
Logical 10108 - Enterprise - Physical Locations View
Logical 10108 - Enterprise - Physical Locations View